Welcome To EI Food Fight

Letter from Mrs. Warren to Allison Harden, 5-16-02



East Islip High School

May 16, 2002

TO:     Allison Harden

          Senior Class President

FROM: Rhia Warren, Principal [initials]

RE:     Response to letter regarding senior privileges


Dear Allison,

Thank you for your well-written letter expressing the complaints/concerns of your classmates. You make some good points from a student's point of view. I must, however, operate from a different perspective as the principal.


I am responsible for the safety of everyone in my building and I must make all decisions with that responsibility first and foremost in my mind. My decision to keep all students in the building was made to do just that. I have to make sure that no one is able to leave and bring items back that could jeopardize the safety of people in the building. As it was rumored that another food fight is eminent, I will not allow anyone to leave to until the defiance and disobedience subsides. At this point, all I hear is talk of further protest and disobedience and that is counter-productive to your cause! Perhaps you should find out who is "threatening" our safety with their threats of further disobedience as they are the ones who are holding us hostage, not me!


As far as only punishing the seniors, seniors are the only ones who have privilege to leave the building. That is indeed a privileges. If the privilege interferes with the safety of the building, it can be suspended. If juniors had privileges to leave the building, those privileges would have been suspended too!


Finally, the students who participated in this incident made a planned decision. A lot of people knew about the plan and NO ONE TOLD! We now know that it was planned for months and that it has been public knowledge amongst some students since Monday. NO ONE TOLD! This organized effort and code of silence is frightening and reminds those of us in authority of serious school incidents that have happened in other states because NO ONE TOLD! We will not allow our safety to be jeopardized by those who organize themselves to be defiant or by those who become participants by their silence!


I would love nothing more than to grant your request to "PLEASE LET US RETURN TO NORMAL!" but I didn't disrupt the normalcy! Now, my focus is to keep you safe! I will decide whether or not I will reinstate the privileges based on the behavior of the students. The behavior that is being exhibited at this point is detrimental to your cause!


I am available to meet with you and the other senior class officers to discuss this further. Please arrange a time with Ms. Lanigan, my secretary.