Welcome To EI Food Fight

Letter to Mrs. Warren by Damien Pagan, 11th grader


This Letter will be circulated through out the school and be available for signatures


An open letter to the faculty and administrators of East Islip High School


To whom it may concern,


           Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost. -Thomas Jefferson


            Even in our most fundamental right, the right to free speech, press, and petition, there are limits.  One cannot print material that is openly threatening or defamatory, seditious or riot-provoking, slanderous or misinformative.  In this time of added tension both socially and politically, it is imperative that certain boundaries never be crossed in our peaceful demonstration of ideas and opinions. 

            The recent disturbance of our predominantly calm school atmosphere (admittedly a premeditated and riotous act) has brought into attention what amounts to the local gossip column, namely cbwebring.com.  cbwebring.com contains what most would consider vulgar and obscene language, descriptions of activities to which most parents would not wish their children be exposed, and vehemently opinionated rantings by anonymous persons.  The school has a right and an obligation to block such material from school access, which it has done with varying degrees of success.  However, the fact remains that cbwebring.com was a privately owned enterprise, not being run on school networks, and therefore falls outside of the school's jurisdiction.  The material posted on cbwebring.com addressing various faculty and staff was, though somewhat off-color, never threatening, always presented in a humorous sense, and invariably accompanied by the disclaimer: "the opinions presented here do not necessarily represent the opinions of cbwebring.com or its owners".  As to the issue of cbwebring's relationship to the planning and carrying out of the recent disturbance, there is no concrete connection between the site's owner, Ryan Capone, and the premeditation of said action. It is wholly illogical and unfair to expel outright a high-profile person who contributed less to the disturbance than did others, simply because his public forum contains objectionable material.

            As to anonymity, on the internet there is no such thing.  There are technological methods by which persons actively posting riot-provoking material can be traced.  If it is proved that material relating to the events of recent weeks was, in fact, posted on the cbwebring.com message boards, it is the duty of the school not to place the blame on merely the most obvious candidate, but to investigate further, using any and all means to identify the actual propagators of the information leading up to said events.  The premature actions taken against cbwebring.com and its owner are a disservice both to the school, and to the rights of students to express themselves.

            On behalf of the student body of East Islip High School, and in the name of our right to express ourselves, regardless of our opinions, I ask the school to re-evaluate its decision concerning the punishment of Ryan Capone, and the pressure exerted to destroy a wholly harmless endeavor.



                                                                                 Damien Pagan, 11th grade