Welcome To EI Food Fight

Identifying & Fighting the Combine,  Sara Stabile 12th Grade


Identifying & Fighting the Combine

The combine is known as an “organization” that wants to make weak people who will follow the rules without question or comments while encouraging others to “fit” the combines mold. The combine tries to dominate those who try to fight them. They take away your free will and diminish the quality of life in the name of order and rules. The combine is everywhere and unbeatable.

             As a senior at East Islip High School, I must battle the combine in order to survive and make it to graduation. This combine includes all teachers, staff, wacky guidance counselors, principals, security guards, and even my own mother as the head nurse. No one can be trusted because they are all part of this combine. They are always watching, watching every move we make through those cameras in the hallways and wherever else they are hidden.

            If a student violates the rules the students are said to be “insubordinate” and are “punished”. These “punishments” are in order to make us suffer. I don’t know about you but if your going to give me out of school suspension for a day or two for being insubordinate or cutting, you can find me at the beach getting a tan. I’m sure while being at the beach I’m really going to suffer the consequences. Even if you were going to give me in school suspension, you’ll find me catching up on my sleep for six hours. Or if you were to give me five o’clock detention, which would be another time for me to catch up on my sleep or even, get a head start on my homework. I seriously think members of the combine really need to find a better way to punish us insubordinate students. These “punishments” are taking away our time of learning and are an inconvenience for the teachers. Sure if you cut you have to suffer the consequences but, by keeping a student out of school for several days doesn’t help the students either. My personal favorite is seeing the “dirt bags” (excuse my mouth but you did say I could vent) of the school go outside to smoke on the corner and the security guards just let them walk out of the building (no offense if you smoke cigarettes). Like your not going to be seen though on that corner or down the street if you’re so ashamed of your bad habit then don’t do them in public. Being taken out of the school is more like a reward than a punishment.
        Our dress code is another issue I’d like to address. In the agenda it states that our underwear must be covered at all times. I don’t think anyone is ignorant enough to come to school like that. May I remind you us teenagers have nightmares about coming to school in our underwear. The shoe thing bothers me too. Now I think all of the students here know to come to school with the proper footwear because the floors are never clean enough to walk around barefoot in. The tank top issue concerns me too. If its 90 degrees out, I’m wearing a tank top, it ridiculous. If I end up wearing a sweater in 90 degree and I pass out I’m going to sue or something. If people get “turned on” by my shoulder then they need serious help.

             Hallway behavior is another stupid issue that needs to be addressed. No running in the hallways how can we run in the hallways when the student body doesn’t even know how to walk normal. I hate walking in the hallways because they form clumps and huddles around each other and it blocks students and staff that know how to walk normal from getting to class on time. If we can’t run in the hallways then why does are the sports teams allowed to. Passes really need to go especially if you have to go to the bathroom. The teacher has to stop class and take up time to write out the pass when the student could have gone to the bathroom and been back already. Last but not least is the no food or drink is to be consumed during class time. If a student doesn’t have a lunch then what is to be done with the students who don’t have a lunch.

             As you can see the combine is out there. They are watching very closely because they are out to get us. If we should even blink it is almost a crime. This combine is trying to mold us into being the same well whatever happened to individuality. If we’re all the same then how will we ever learn to make our own choices in the “real world”. This is a school not a work force.                  

                                                                                                                                              Sara Stabile